Customer Service | Tags | PagerDuty Build It | Ship It | Own It Wed, 17 May 2023 16:01:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Work Where You Are: PagerDuty for Customer Service Plus Zendesk by Nisha Prajapati Thu, 11 May 2023 17:31:45 +0000 The post Work Where You Are: PagerDuty for Customer Service Plus Zendesk appeared first on PagerDuty.

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Introducing PagerDuty Status Pages for Improved Customer Communication and Savings by Hadijah Creary Wed, 11 Jan 2023 21:10:07 +0000 In 2023, the fight to retain customers will be one of the biggest factors determining whether a business can survive the recession all are predicting....

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In 2023, the fight to retain customers will be one of the biggest factors determining whether a business can survive the recession all are predicting. One of the key findings from the 2022 State of Service Report from Salesforce is that great service is at the heart of customer retention: 48% of customers will switch brands for better customer service when something goes wrong, and they view open communication as a key factor in how a customer might gauge the quality of customer service. Customers understand that even the most resilient digital systems may have issues from time to time. But they won’t tolerate being left in the dark when those issues are preventing them from completing transactions or interacting with a company.   

Establishing proactive, detailed communication around the ongoing status of an issue is crucial to building customer trust and loyalty. For too many enterprises, though, the process required to communicate quickly and proactively with customers has too many manual steps, too many handoffs, and too much complexity. 

PagerDuty Status Pages, now generally available, cut through that complexity. PagerDuty Status Pages enable brands to proactively inform and assist their customers in all situations by providing visual, real-time insights into an organization’s operations. When an incident occurs, PagerDuty users will be able to securely communicate real-time operational updates with customers directly from the PagerDuty Operations Cloud, and leverage their preferred audience-specific communication service. This new add-on feature extends PagerDuty’s customer service and incident response solutions to our partners and customers alike. 

The Benefits
We aim to make service agents’ lives easier, as well as save time and money for our customers. Now, with proactive communication, teams can let customers know there’s an issue before they’re even aware. This will reduce the number of tickets that pour into the customer service organization for review when there is an outage, as well as reduce the labor cost of each ticket. Having this single source of truth for the latest updates will also deflect other requests for information about the issue being routed to engineering teams, especially when time is paramount. Both DevOps and CSOps teams can easily stay on the same page, saving time and resources. 

The deep value to our customers also lies in the open transparency that you’re now able to create, especially during large-scale outages and events. With PagerDuty Status Pages, you’ll be able to cultivate trust in your relationships with your customers, allowing them to quickly know whenever a service is experiencing a problem while staying informed about the status they care most about. This will all be in the same place: a single source of truth.

Screenshot of PagerDuty Status Pages feature

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PagerDuty Status Pages: The Single Source of Truth you and your customers need by Nisha Prajapati Thu, 22 Dec 2022 19:04:58 +0000 The post PagerDuty Status Pages: The Single Source of Truth you and your customers need appeared first on PagerDuty.

The post PagerDuty Status Pages: The Single Source of Truth you and your customers need appeared first on PagerDuty.

Doing More with Less: Building Greater Operational Efficiency with PagerDuty by Nancy Lee Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:00:13 +0000 How many of us can say with confidence that we know a tool inside and out? If you’re like most, you probably use just a...

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How many of us can say with confidence that we know a tool inside and out? If you’re like most, you probably use just a small fraction of a product’s features. When it comes to feature-rich software like Microsoft Word or Excel, it’s a safe bet that most users are aware of less than half of the features, and use even less on a regular basis. And the longer we’ve been using a piece of software, the more likely we fall into this trap of feature underutilization. 

I started noticing this in my own life a year and a half ago when a coworker who had recently joined the team told me she found a more efficient way to generate closed captions for our instructional videos. I asked if it was a tool in her Adobe Creative Suite. 

Nope, it’s actually YouTube!” she replied.

“What? That’s amazing!” I said. “How did we not know about this?” I was shocked. For the past 6 months, we had been paying for a separate tool for its closed captioning capabilities when, all along, we could’ve used YouTube’s free captioning feature in our Google accounts. 

More recently, I had my proverbial mind blown yet again when I learned of Slack’s reminder feature. Making my to-do list for the next day, I was scheduling reminders in my Google calendar to follow up with a teammate, call my doctor, and pay the gas bill. My husband looked on in amusement as I added one event after another in my calendar.

“What are you doing?” he asked.  

“Setting reminders for the things I have to do tomorrow,” I replied, mildly annoyed at this interruption to my sacred routine.

“Why don’t you use the Slack reminder feature?” he said. “That way, you’re not filling up half your calendar with reminders and making it hard for people to book meetings.” 

“I had no idea you could do that!” Like the YouTube incident, I was incredulous that I was only learning of this feature now.

As I started scheduling Slack reminders for the following day, I wondered how often we hear our customers use that phrase — “I had no idea you could do that!” It’s not surprising when you think about it. We often purchase a tool for a specific use case. In our haste to implement a solution, we approach the task with blinders on, paying attention to only those features that will help us achieve our goal. “Problem solved!” we declare. Never mind that we only learned a tenth of the software’s capabilities. Years later, we’re still clicking the same buttons and following the same scripts, oblivious to the slew of new features that promise to enhance our user experience.  

It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance. But at a time when many tech companies are being asked to manage costs and do more with less, perhaps a good place to start looking for efficiencies is in our existing investments.

One business area that shines a light on this is Customer Education. At PagerDuty, customer training and enablement sits with PagerDuty University. A comment we often see in our course evaluations is “I had no idea PagerDuty could do [fill in the blank with a feature that’s existed for months or even years]!” Some customers may have started using PagerDuty for on-call management and alerting, and never ventured beyond those basic capabilities. They’ve become so accustomed to using PagerDuty for a single use case that they don’t realize its product portfolio actually encompasses multiple solutions for use cases across their digital operations. 

For organizations facing pressure from the current macroeconomic environment, PagerDuty’s end-to-end digital operations capabilities can help consolidate tool spend and boost productivity by reducing context switching. PagerDuty University helps customers by driving awareness of this end-to-end experience, from pre-incident creation (enriching and routing events) to post-incident mobilization (response automation) to business-wide orchestration (automated stakeholder communication) and beyond. Rather than investing in point solutions that address a single problem, our customers can leverage the solutions they need, when they need it, adopting additional capabilities and products as they continue to evolve their Digital Operations with PagerDuty.  

Those of us who work in Customer Education understand that it’s our job to not only improve a customer’s time to value, but to ensure that they continue to see the return on their investment post-onboarding and beyond. For PagerDuty University, that means making sure that our customers receive proper enablement on PagerDuty’s advanced capabilities such as Event Intelligence and Incident Workflows (in Early Access!), as well as other products and use cases such as Customer Service Operations and Process Automation. Tool consolidation, cost savings, automating away toil, better customer experience — these are some of the biggest ROI our customers walk away with post-training. 

Our instructor-led training courses are centered around achieving customer goals. Rather than training customers on every PagerDuty feature, we first try to understand what business challenges they’re trying to solve, and build training that guides them efficiently to reaching those goals. Often in SaaS, we talk about time to value — we like to think of our technical training team as “guides to value.” 

PagerDuty University’s free, on-demand training complements our instructor-led training by digging into each product feature, situated in real-life scenarios so users always understand the larger context in which these features are used and the problems they solve. Our self-paced eLearning modules are suitable for customers who are trialing a free account, those who want to check out new features, or those who simply prefer the self-serve aspect of on-demand training. 

It should come as no surprise that those of us who work in Education Services love learning. We use that love of learning to drive customer success, which sits at the heart of everything. Whether it’s driving adoption, improving onboarding, or imparting industry best practices, we strive to make sure that we never hear one of our customers say “I had no idea PagerDuty could do that!”

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CSOPs Certification Primer by Nisha Prajapati Tue, 23 Aug 2022 16:54:15 +0000 The post CSOPs Certification Primer appeared first on PagerDuty.

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Work Where You Are: PagerDuty for Customer Service Plus Salesforce Service Cloud by Hadijah Creary Wed, 03 Aug 2022 17:50:52 +0000 The post Work Where You Are: PagerDuty for Customer Service Plus Salesforce Service Cloud appeared first on PagerDuty.

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What’s New: Automation Actions in the PagerDuty Application for Zendesk by Carrie Lacina Mon, 01 Aug 2022 13:00:23 +0000 A Shift in Customer Expectations The past few years have led to a significant increase in customer demands, and customer service agents are feeling the...

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A Shift in Customer Expectations

The past few years have led to a significant increase in customer demands, and customer service agents are feeling the pressure. According to a recent Zendesk CX Trends report, 68% of agents report feeling overwhelmed. Here at PagerDuty, we believe that happier customer service agents lead to more positive customer interactions and stronger relationships with your brand.

To help customer service teams address this, PagerDuty continues to deepen our integration with Zendesk to help customer service teams resolve incidents as fast and efficiently as possible. With our latest release, we are excited to announce that PagerDuty Automation Actions is now available within the PagerDuty application for Zendesk.

Empowering Customer Service Agents with Automation

PagerDuty Automation Actions quickly diagnose and remediate incidents by connecting responders to corrective automation within PagerDuty. With the latest release of the PagerDuty application for Zendesk, agents can automatically validate problems and capture critical information instantly for the team to diagnose and resolve. Agents are empowered to validate customer-impacting issues and run automation actions directly from the PagerDuty app for Zendesk. This reduces resolution times and eases the load on backend teams by instantly adding critical customer information for the teams resolving the problems. It also helps reduce the number of issues escalated to engineering teams. For example, if it’s non-urgent or not impacting customers from using the services.

Make customer service agents’ lives easier with Automation Actions

Customer service agents must be empowered to address critical incidents without adding to their burgeoning workload. Automation can help lighten that load and enable teams to do more. Here are a few ways automation can help make agents’ lives easier:

  • Automation helps establish consistent reactions for repeat and similar issues; this helps with reporting after incidents for process improvement. 
  • It improves Customer service agents’ efficiency when responding to cases.
  • It helps to reduce the time to resolution.
  • It allows agents to spend more time building and managing customer relationships.
  • Automation reduces the opportunities to make mistakes when an agent has to perform manual tasks when responding to cases under customer pressure.

To learn more about how PagerDuty Automation Actions and Zendesk can work for you, visit PagerDuty’s knowledge base. Additionally, you can contact your account manager or request a demo today.

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PagerDuty & Salesforce – New Features Release: Incident Objects by Nisha Prajapati Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:09:47 +0000 The post PagerDuty & Salesforce – New Features Release: Incident Objects appeared first on PagerDuty.

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Happy Agents = Happy Customers: Empower Your Customer Service Team to Lead the Way by Nisha Prajapati Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:08:40 +0000 The post Happy Agents = Happy Customers: Empower Your Customer Service Team to Lead the Way appeared first on PagerDuty.

The post Happy Agents = Happy Customers: Empower Your Customer Service Team to Lead the Way appeared first on PagerDuty.

The Next Evolution in Customer Service by Justin Shie Mon, 18 Jul 2022 13:00:57 +0000 “Customer service software has evolved so much these past ten years, but they all seem to be solving the same problems!” This was a statement...

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“Customer service software has evolved so much these past ten years, but they all seem to be solving the same problems!” This was a statement made by a Customer Service leader in a recent brainstorming conversation around decreasing overall Response Times and Resolution Times. 

The role of the modern Customer Service Agent has been growing in complexity. Not only do Customer Service Agents have to manage frontline customer correspondence –  involving a high degree of empathy and communication – but they are also  burdened with navigating through multiple systems, channels, and “sources of truth” to communicate and collaborate with back-office Eng/Dev/IT teams when customer-impacting disruptions occur. The advancement of technology and complexity of internal systems, tooling, and processes have only made matters worse.

To illustrate this point, let’s take the example of a Customer Service Agent who works at ABC, a financial services company, and receives a ticket regarding a failed login. The CS Agent receives the ticket at the top of their queue in their helpdesk system – but in addition to this ticket, they notice they have 50 more tickets waiting in the queue regarding a similar issue. Realizing that there may be performance issues with the Online Portal, the CS Agent escalates the problem to their engineering team for assistance. 

This scenario is where we begin to see the limitations of Customer Service workflows and processes as it relates to traditional Customer Service software. This software has done a fantastic job solving front-office customer communication/ticketing problems, such as organizing and prioritizing the ticket queue in a manner where CS agents can solve and respond to one-off customer requests quickly. But what if the problem requires the assistance of back-office Engineering/Developer/IT resources to resolve a core issue, such as an outage or a bug? 

Customer Service Agents face many challenges around workflows and processes to escalate a technology issue, and then on maintaining visibility on the progress toward resolution. A typical workflow may look something like this:

  1. Customer experiences performance issues, submits a helpdesk ticket to Customer Service.
  2. Customer Service receives the ticket in their helpdesk system…appears to be a problem with the backend technology.
  3. Customer Service Agent switches tabs in their Communication platform. Shouts out in a shared Slack or Teams channel (or sometimes to an individual subject matter expert) to figure out if the back-office is aware of the surfaced technology problem. 
  4. In our example, Eng/Dev/IT are unaware. CS Agent consults an internal wiki or a spreadsheet to figure out which team is responsible for the service.
  5. Customer Service Agent navigates to another internal helpdesk system (such as Jira) and files an internal ticket. 
  6. Once Eng/Dev/IT resolves the Incident, an update is posted into the communication platform.
  7. Customer Service Agents must simultaneously switch between their helpdesk ticketing system and their communication platform to gather information and respond to customers. 

Moreover, visibility challenges have the Customer Service Agent asking themselves and others: 

  • Is our back-office team aware of the customer-impacting technology issue?
  • Is there a fix being worked on?
  • What can I tell the customer about the issue?
  • What’s the progress on fixing this issue? How long will it take?

Worst of all, once the customer ticket is handed off to technical teams, it is no longer governed by the same business rules and success metrics on which Customer Service is measured.  As a result, First Contact Resolution rates, Response Times, Resolution Times, and CSAT are negatively impacted, because Customer Service lacks the means or visibility necessary for a timely customer response.

Most Customer Service organizations today find themselves siloed off from Technical Teams. This siloing effect is exacerbated by the very tools and systems meant to foster collaboration. For example, Customer Service often duplicates information in various platforms through tedious copy+paste exercises, splitting attention across multiple systems while other teams work through technology issues.

Based on  conversations with both Customer Service and Engineering teams, there is a strong desire to break down the walls of communication and collaboration to enhance the customer experience. Engineering/Dev teams have a focus to reduce downtime by treating customers as another key signal to the health of their digital assets, while Customer Service teams continue to emphasize driving down Response and Resolution Times to meet customer expectations. When a technology issue arises that is surfaced by customers first, Customer Service teams need a streamlined method to escalate customer-impacting disruptions while maintaining full visibility of the customer ticket life-cycle from beginning to end, especially when engaging with Technical Teams to resolve the technology issue. 

This begs the question: How do we empower Customer Service with the visibility and information they need to answer customer inquiries/requests faster and escalate technology issues from the frontlines, when the back-office team isn’t aware of a customer-impacting disruption?

A different approach

When an organization acknowledges that a broken collaboration process between Customer Service and Technical Teams leads to increased downtimes, response, and resolution times, a different perspective is needed. It’s time to recognize customers as another key signal of the health of digital assets.

When “customers are an important signal” is embraced, organizations find ways to break down the walls between Customer Service and Technical Teams. By leveraging PagerDuty as the central nervous system to the rest of the technology stack, as well as the mechanism in which real-time operations are conducted, each team is empowered to “work where they are” without having to leave the system of their choice to engage in the Incident Response process.

By integrating PagerDuty with the rest of the technology stack involved in Incident Response, each team can work out of the system they choose. PagerDuty becomes the “one source of truth,’ distributing Incident information across all the different systems and platforms where each individual team conducts their work.

Unlike the previous scenario of a Customer Service Agent receiving an incident-related ticket at “ABC Company,” the workflow can now be simplified into the following steps:

  1. Customer experiences performance issues, submits a helpdesk ticket to Customer Service.
  2. Customer Service receives the ticket in their helpdesk system, and notices a problem with the company’s backend technology.
  3. Customer Service Agent can check on the health of digital assets via an internal Status Dashboard located directly in the helpdesk ticketing system UI
  4. If the technology issue is unknown to the Technical Teams, Customer Service creates and triages an “Incident” to the team responsible for a specific Business Service. alerting only the individuals responsible for the fix.
  5. A bi-directional link is automatically created between the Customer Ticket and the PagerDuty Incident. Any progress to resolution flows into the Ticket/Case view in the ticketing platform.
  6. The Customer Service Agent receives all information in real-time, reducing the time it takes for them to respond to the customer. 

Best of all, this entire collaboration process occurs directly inside the ticketing system within which the Customer Service Agents conducts their daily work.

By optimizing communication and collaboration processes between Customer Service and Technical teams, you can mitigate the risk of customer-impacting disruptions slipping through the cracks during the escalation process. Customer Service teams can eliminate the need to navigate through multiple systems and duplicating the same information across platforms. As a result, First Contact Resolutions, Response Times and Resolution Times, and ultimately CSAT are improved.

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