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SmartBear’s Alertsite Integration Guide

SmartBear’s AlertSite provides best in class synthetic monitoring platform to ensure availability, performance and functional correctness of APIs, web, mobile and SaaS applications. AlertSite’s real browser record and reply lets customers monitor complex user transactions and user experience without needing coding or scripting. When AlertSite’s alerting is combined with PagerDuty’s advanced on-call scheduling and notification capabilities the result is a highly efficient system that keeps the team on top of issues that affect end users. APIs can be monitored specifically by importing functional tests from SoapUI. Find problems before your end users do, whether the root cause is in your app or a third party issue.

In PagerDuty

    1. From the Services menu, select Service Directory.
    2. On your Service Directory page:

      If you are creating a new service for your integration, click +New Service.

      If you are adding your integration to an existing service, click the name of the service you want to add the integration to. Then click the Integrations tab and click Add a new integration.

    3. Select your app from the Integration Type menu and enter an Integration Name.

      If you are creating a new service for your integration, in General Settings, enter a Name for your new service. Then, in Incident Settings, specify the Escalation Policy, Notification Urgency, and Incident Behavior for your new service.

    4. Click the Add Service or Add Integration button to save your new integration. You will be redirected to the Integrations page for your service.
    5. Your AlertSite integration will be added and you can proceed to the In AlertSite steps of this guide.

In AlertSite

  1. Select the settings cog, then >Manage Integrations from the top menu.
  2. Click PagerDuty in the integrations list.
  3. In the dialog that opens, click New Recipient.
  4. Click Alert with PagerDuty:
  5. You will be redirected to PagerDuty. Enter your PagerDuty Email and Password, and then click Authorize Integration:
  6. On the next screen, select Use an existing AlertSite service and select the service that you created earlier:
  7. Click Finish Integration.
  8. You will then be redirected back to AlertSite, and a dialog will show the service name and key.
  9. Click Submit to complete the PagerDuty integration.
  10. PagerDuty is now available as an alert recipient in AlertSite:
  11. To select the alert types to send to PagerDuty, click on the PagerDuty alert recipient, then Edit Recipient icon and specify the settings for availability and performance alerts. For a description of available settings, see Recipient Properties.

    PagerDuty is also added to your Alertsite global recipient list in Alerts > Alert Recipients, and you can reconfigure it from there.
    Note: By default, all AlertSite monitors send alerts to all configured alert recipients. However, if you have recipient groups configured, each group’s monitors send alerts only to recipients in that group. In this case you need to add the PagerDuty recipient to the relevant groups to receive alerts from monitors in that group.

Verify That AlertSite and PagerDuty Are Communicating:

    1. Configure AlertSite to issue an alert. For example, open the monitor settings and set the timeout to 1 second, or create a keyword validation for a word that does not appear in the monitored web page.
    2. Wait until the next time the monitor runs, and then a couple more minutes for it to trigger an alert.
    3. In PagerDuty, go to Services and select the AlertSite integration service.
    4. You should see that an incident has been triggered.
    5. Click the incident number to view the incident details. You can see the problem description in the status_text field in the Details table.

Users that are specified in your AlertSite escalation policy in PagerDuty will also get an alert on their e-mails or phones.


Will PagerDuty incidents automatically resolve when AlertSite sends a “clear” notification?

      • Yes.

Can I integrate AlertSite with more than one PagerDuty service?

      • Yes. This way you can use different PagerDuty escalation policies for different AlertSite monitors. You will need to create several AlertSite services with different names in PagerDuty, and create corresponding PagerDuty recipients in AlertSite following the steps above.

Contact with any questions.

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