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New Pagerdutonians

Since January, we’ve been very busy expanding the PagerDuty team. We’re happy to announce the addition of Joe Lambe, Edgar Salazar, Arup Chakrabarti, Evan Gilman, Ryan Duffield, Ranjib Dey, and Clay Smith.

Joe, our new Director of Demand Generation, joins us from Atlassian, where he was responsible for the dark arts of demand generation. Joe is an expert in online advertising & SEO and has a PR background. Besides from being a marketing guru, Joe is an avid cyclist, enjoys yoga, and loves an amazing Italian meal.

Edgar has quickly established himself as a coding machine with rapid and well documented pull requests. Within a weeks time, Edgar won the nickname Machine Gun, though our office manager would like to call him the Cereal Bandit. No matter what time of day it is, you will find Edgar enjoying a bowl of cereal.

Arup claims that he was hired for his charming wit and dashing good looks, which isn’t that far from the truth. Arup brings years of experience growing teams and team members from Amazon and Netflix to expand and improve our Operations Team. Don’t let his title fool you, Arup is a well rounded software engineer that studied Biomedical Engineering at Boston University.

All the way from Florida, Evan joins the Operations Team as a Senior Engineer. Evan impressed us during his onsite interview when he passed all of his interviews in 30 minutes or less! When Evan isn’t in the SF office, you can find him with a camera in an exotic part of the world.

If he’s not at a Toronto Blue Jay’s game or jamming away on the drums, you can find Mr. Duffield at the Toronto PagerDuty office. Ryan recently joined the Realtime team after working at his own startup for 2+ years. Though he works in the Tech industry, Ryan is an amateur astronomer.

The title for Happiest Dutonian in the SF office goes to Ranjib. Regardless of the situation, Ranjib always has a smile on his face. He joins the Operations Team after working at Google and ThoughtWorks.

Clay is the newsiest dutonian to join the Product team, after working at Thomson Reuters Business. Clay brings a passion for building tools, automating, and generally making front-end Javascript code work better. We say we hired Clay for his coding skills, but we really hired him for his award winning Texas chili recipe that has 6 different types of meat!!