company | Tags | PagerDuty Build It | Ship It | Own It Fri, 14 Jul 2023 17:33:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 An Honor that Deserves Repeating: PagerDuty Once Again Earns ‘Best Workplaces’ Accolades by Joe Militello Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:00:51 +0000 We’re thrilled to announce that Fortune Magazine has named PagerDuty one of 2023’s Best Workplaces in the Bay Area for the second year in a...

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We’re thrilled to announce that Fortune Magazine has named PagerDuty one of 2023’s Best Workplaces in the Bay Area for the second year in a row. We’ve also been recognized as an “Inspiring Workplace” in the US and EMEA (finalist); and a Best Company for Women and for People of Color to Advance. And today, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve been named to 2023’s Best Workplaces for Millennials!

According to the Fortune survey, 95% percent of PagerDuty employees said we are a great place to work. Said one respondent: “Management always strives to find out what their employees are interested in and are always looking to find opportunities to grow. I think this company definitely values the opinions of their employees and makes everyone feel like they have a voice!” 

Awards like these provide us a sense of achievement and pride, reflective of the passion and commitment of our Dutonians and the inclusive culture we’ve created together. Our mission-driven approach–providing value for customers but also recognizing that there’s no way we can support our customers unless we’re taking care of our employees–is why I joined PagerDuty and why I stay. We have a big vision and bigger ambitions, and we pursue them always with kindness, empathy, conviction, and collaboration. Here’s just some of the ways we’re living up to our ‘Best Place’ recognitions. 

Showing up for one another

Building a work model for the future and harnessing the power of Generative AI to accelerate our internal work and the power of the PagerDuty Operations Cloud are some of the ways we show up for our people and our customers. We support people inside and outside the workplace, with Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (ID&E) at the core of our identity and business strategy, supported by our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

But most of all, we simply like and respect each other–no matter who you are or where you sit in the organization. When called upon, we show up. 

We show up for conferences and recruitment events. We show up for innovation around generative AI and host hackathons. We encourage experimentation and challenging conventions. 

“Pop-Ups” bring back in-person interaction

We want to provide employees with flexibility in how and where they work. But we also understand the importance of bringing people together in meaningful ways. In-person connections can enhance learning, decision-making, and innovation, not to mention deepen relationships across the team. 

It was in service to these principles that the PagerDuty Pop-Up program was born. We set out to create a low-cost, low-friction experience for employees at all levels to engage with colleagues. The ensuing day-long sessions consist of modules highlighting the business and our values, as well as local social impact and cultural experiences curated for each particular geographic area.  

The Pop-Ups are designed to build a greater sense of community among all Dutonians, whether they are direct colleagues or just meeting for the first time. You get a mix of business updates and camaraderie; peers sharing their expertise and problem solving in real-time. On multiple occasions these interactions have led to substantive changes in practices, products, and the way teams communicate across PagerDuty.

So far we have hosted fourteen events across eleven cities throughout the US and Portugal, impacting more than 300 Dutonians across 25 teams. We have expanded the scope of the program, including increasing the number of events to cover every major region we work in including EMEA, and APJ. As we continue to experiment with this model a few changes will be made to scale and mature our approach, adding more subject matter experts; planning longer days with more social time; and using the events as an incubator for creativity.

PagerDuty is where great humans work 

One other defining characteristic of PagerDuty is that we are very self aware, even self critical at times. We know we’re not done yet, that we can get better and improve the way we operate. This is empowering and motivating–it’s one one of the many reasons I love to get up every day and do my part to move PagerDuty forward. 

I’m therefore not surprised that we’ve been recognized as not just a great place to work, but an inspirational place, too. Anyone can come to PagerDuty and be their best selves without reservation or apology. Everyone has an opportunity to be successful, regardless of their personal background or experiences. 

Not every job gives you the ability to make an impact on the business or on people’s lives. Not every place allows you to develop your career while being surrounded by great humans. 

Not every company is like PagerDuty–in fact, no company is like us. We are PagerDuty. 

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Our Competitive Advantage: One Diverse Team by Jennifer Tejada Mon, 30 Jan 2017 21:27:33 +0000 A memo from our CEO, Jennifer Tejada. This past weekend, I, like many, watched the news with awe, disappointment and heartfelt concern for our families,...

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A memo from our CEO, Jennifer Tejada.

This past weekend, I, like many, watched the news with awe, disappointment and heartfelt concern for our families, friends, colleagues and neighbors impacted by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. This order applies an immediate 90-day moratorium on admissions and re-entry into the United States for all non-U.S. citizens from seven countries – Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and Sudan.

In my view, this Executive Act contravenes the foundational values of the America I grew up in. I am frustrated and saddened by this demonstration of discrimination, both personally and professionally. We are a country of immigrants, and this intolerance and inequity based on ignorance and fear is a direct contradiction to America’s long-held promise to provide freedom to the oppressed and opportunity for the masses. I firmly believe this is not who we are as a country.

Despite the decision over the weekend, there is hope. America is founded in optimism, determination and perseverance. I am encouraged by the actions I see taken by regular everyday folks who are exercising their right to speak, to protest, to disagree and to help those in an unimaginable situation. I believe and know we are collectively better than this. Our fellow humans deserve more than this. Regardless of our differences, we can stand together for inclusivity and equal opportunity, and stand against intolerance and discrimination.

Our industry, company and success are built on diversity and access to people with greatly needed skills and perspectives from all over the world, from every age group, gender, lifestyle orientation, region and academic discipline. As is true with many great technology companies, our teams, our partners and our customers collectively form a community that is richly diverse and we are better for it. PagerDuty participates in the skills-based immigration programs the United States government provides in its’ efforts to support economic growth. We will continue to demonstrate through our efforts and our actions the desire to achieve success through diversity and inclusion.

At this time, while none of our employees were stranded outside of the United States, several could be impacted in terms of future travel and we are working closely internally to ensure our employees have access to information and support as this situation evolves. We will continue to comply with Federal and local governance, and will not ask employees to travel for business to any regions that put them at risk upon their return. Employees should consult with the resources from the State Department and other online agencies, as to travel advisory status and safety of American citizens and non-American visa holders, traveling outside of the US. Additionally, we are working closely with our immigration attorneys and other tech companies and will continue to the monitor the situation.

At PagerDuty, we value inclusivity — we are one diverse team, and no political or government action changes this. To do our part in furthering this message of inclusivity, we will commit to donating $5k, and match another $5k to our employee donations to the ACLU. Additionally, I am personally donating $5k to this cause and will match another $5k.

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New Pagerdutonians by PagerDuty Tue, 09 Apr 2013 20:17:38 +0000 /?p=2505 Since January, we’ve been very busy expanding the PagerDuty team. We’re happy to announce the addition of Joe Lambe, Edgar Salazar, Arup Chakrabarti, Evan Gilman,...

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Since January, we’ve been very busy expanding the PagerDuty team. We’re happy to announce the addition of Joe Lambe, Edgar Salazar, Arup Chakrabarti, Evan Gilman, Ryan Duffield, Ranjib Dey, and Clay Smith.

Joe Lambe headshot Joe, our new Director of Demand Generation, joins us from Atlassian, where he was responsible for the dark arts of demand generation. Joe is an expert in online advertising & SEO and has a PR background. Besides from being a marketing guru, Joe is an avid cyclist, enjoys yoga, and loves an amazing Italian meal.

Edgar has quickly established himself as a coding machine with rapid and well documented pull requests. Within a weeks time, Edgar won the nickname Machine Gun, though our office manager would like to call him the Cereal Bandit. No matter what time of day it is, you will find Edgar enjoying a bowl of cereal.

Arup claims that he was hired for his charming wit and dashing good looks, which isn’t that far from the truth. Arup brings years of experience growing teams and team members from Amazon and Netflix to expand and improve our Operations Team. Don’t let his title fool you, Arup is a well rounded software engineer that studied Biomedical Engineering at Boston University.

All the way from Florida, Evan joins the Operations Team as a Senior Engineer. Evan impressed us during his onsite interview when he passed all of his interviews in 30 minutes or less! When Evan isn’t in the SF office, you can find him with a camera in an exotic part of the world.

121d289If he’s not at a Toronto Blue Jay’s game or jamming away on the drums, you can find Mr. Duffield at the Toronto PagerDuty office. Ryan recently joined the Realtime team after working at his own startup for 2+ years. Though he works in the Tech industry, Ryan is an amateur astronomer.

useravatarThe title for Happiest Dutonian in the SF office goes to Ranjib. Regardless of the situation, Ranjib always has a smile on his face. He joins the Operations Team after working at Google and ThoughtWorks.

IMG_1545Clay is the newsiest dutonian to join the Product team, after working at Thomson Reuters Business. Clay brings a passion for building tools, automating, and generally making front-end Javascript code work better. We say we hired Clay for his coding skills, but we really hired him for his award winning Texas chili recipe that has 6 different types of meat!!

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