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PagerDuty’s 2021 Impact Report: Highlights the Full Power of Cultivating an Impact Mindset

Today, I am delighted to launch PagerDuty’s 2021 Impact Report. 

Here’s the question we’re interested in: Is this world better off because PagerDuty is in it? We move in this direction by adopting a social impact mindset that asks us to examine and account for the way our actions, individually and jointly, impact the world around us. 

PagerDuty’s 2021 Impact Report describes the influence we had in 2021 through our social impact arm,, and in partnership with our customers, community partners, and Dutonians. This year’s report contains our inaugural environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures along with an expanded description of our social performance. The report is vital in ensuring we continue to be accountable to our stakeholders and communities, and transparent about how we measure and adapt our impact on the world.

Read the full PagerDuty Social Impact Report 2021, published here today.

Last year, our work was completed in the midst of the pandemic, deepening political schisms, and the acute need for greater racial justice. This year, the backdrop feels just as tumultuous. Collectively, we face many unknowns—from the climate crisis to global conflicts to increasing inequity. Yet I also know that when we join forces, we have far more power to engender greater justice, freedom, and health for all. 

How We Approach our Social Impact Work to Accelerate Change 

I am proud of the projects that we’ve supported, how we’ve helped nonprofit organizations and B Corps to achieve their missions, and how Dutonians have given back generously to their communities. These outcomes are led by three clear principles that guide our work and our partnerships. Because we’ve seen first-hand that how one makes an impact is as important as the impact itself. Here are the highlights.

  1. We provide full-spectrum support. We mobilize company assets across our product, people, voice, and philanthropic funding, and tailor this support in the way that best serves our partners’ goals.
    • $1.87m in funding deployed to 668 organizations globally.
    • 75% of 2021 grantee organizations led by women and/or leaders of color.
    • 23,300 people received COVID-19 vaccine doses (via our investment in the Go Give One) campaign.
  2. We practice trust-based and equitable grantmaking. A core operating principle is a trust-based, participatory approach to philanthropy.
    • We made investments to reduce health inequities and support equitable COVID-19 vaccine access, piloted grants in environmental justice, and launched the Employee Resource Group (ERG) Grantmaking Program.
    • Our grants are provided as unrestricted funding and we made our first multi-year grants, allowing organizations to innovate and make longer term program investments. 
    • We trust local leaders to apply resources where, and when, they are most needed because they hold insights into the issues, climate, and culture.
  3. We cultivate an impact mindset. We examine how our actions, individually and collectively, affect the world around us. We empower every Dutonian to create this impact as a part of their core role.
    • 92% of Dutonians volunteered or donated to a cause.
    • 5,232 hours volunteered by Dutonians; an 83% increase compared to 2020.
    • 90% of Dutonians say the company’s social impact work makes them proud to work here.

In the full report, you can read in detail how some of our nonprofit customers have leveraged the PagerDuty platform to advance their work. This includes SIRUM, which is using PagerDuty to facilitate the distribution of unused prescribed medication in the United States. And WeRobotics, which is using PagerDuty to support incident response for drone field and operations support for COVID-19 vaccine delivery in Tawi-Tawi in the Philippines.

An ESG Roadmap to Guide our Company, and Contributions to Society and the Environment 

Formalizing and integrating ESG into our daily operations is critical to our resilience as a company, and aligned with our vision to contribute to an equitable and sustainable world. Our ESG program is a natural evolution of our social impact work. PagerDuty’s existing programs contribute to progress against 11 of the 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We’re making investments to advance these outcomes and to further align ESG within PagerDuty. In 2021, we identified material priorities, developed an ESG roadmap, assigned accountability, and targeted initial investments. In addition, we set benchmarks that we’ll use to measure our progress, including:

  • Achieved gender pay equity within $0.01
  • Achieved race/ethnicity pay equity within $0.02
  • Built a diverse Board of Directors: 50% women and 75% underrepresented minorities
  • Completed first Materiality Assessment to guide our ESG priorities
  • Completed two years of Greenhouse Gas Inventories

The full report has more detail on our ESG programs—including our Inclusive Hiring Program, our Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (ID&E) goals, and how we assess and reduce our environmental impact. 

What’s Ahead for 2022

While we’ve launched new programs to deliver greater value to our nonprofit customers, and built on early investments and learnings in Time-Critical Health and racial equity, we know there is more work to be done to create healthier and more equitable communities. 

In 2022, we will continue to put social impact at the core of PagerDuty’s business, including how PagerDuty’s technology can help customers cure delays in healthcare and reduce environmental impact, and how our social justice investments can most effectively eliminate systemic discrimination. We will launch Impact Labs, a new program that inverts our current model, and provides more than $1M in funding, product credits, and technical volunteer support for Time-Critical Health partners. We are also introducing new Impact Pricing to reduce cost barriers and enable nonprofits and certified B Corporations to expand their use of the PagerDuty platform. And we’re building a multi-dimensional Just & Equitable Communities strategy to guide long term investments in Climate Justice. We will continue to advance and report on our ESG priorities and progress.

These last few years have been a continuous beat of unknowns and of everyday resilience. Drawing inspiration from our partners, customers, and the communities we work in, we remain optimists. We will continue to work toward more justice, freedom, and health for all, as we move towards our vision of a responsive world where everyone has the freedom to thrive.

Read the full PagerDuty Social Impact Report 2021 here: 

To find out more about and our Impact Pricing for nonprofits and social enterprises, visit: