After two years of sky-high spending on cloud and related technologies, 2022 is the crunch point for corporate IT and digital leaders. Investments in technology…
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a specific framework made up of defined processes for building, creating, testing, and shipping software to production….
| In Engineering
This piece is co-authored by: Derek Ralston, Agile Coach, and Charlotte Sarfati, Technical Support Engineer. Charlotte and Derek worked together on PagerDuty’s cross-functional HackWeek committee….
What is DevOps? DevOps employs principles and practices that emphasize communication and collaboration between the Development and the Operations teams. In a DevOps model, developers…
| In Best Practices & Insights, Community, Conference, Events, Events & Community, Ideas, PagerDuty Life
I recently joined the summer internship program at PagerDuty, and I have already had one of the most inspiring and thought-provoking experiences of my life….